Opinion: Liberal Democrats ask who notices old planning notices?

By Guest author 11th Oct 2023

Southfield Liberal Democrat Councillor Andrew Steed found, "multiple notices on a lampost", in Ealing (credit: Andrew Steed).
Southfield Liberal Democrat Councillor Andrew Steed found, "multiple notices on a lampost", in Ealing (credit: Andrew Steed).

Southfield Liberal Democrat Councillor Andrew Steed

You used to get letters. Then they stopped the letters and notices appeared on lamp posts. More recently these have been upgraded to dayglow yellow notices attached to lamp posts with environmentally unfriendly plastic cables.

I am talking about planning notices. Ealing Council put them up. But Ealing Council never take them down.

Liberal Democrats want to see our streets clean and safe.

However, they are left to accumulate by the Labour-run Ealing Council. They look untidy. Old notices give a poor impression. If you put up notices without permission, the council could fine you £80 for illegal fly posting.

They are a particular bug bear of mine. I do appreciate that this may not be top of the list of public grievances. I also acknowledge that there is a need for the local authority to publicise planning applications, but why is it accepted that authorised littering of our streets takes place?

Why is it impossible for Ealing to remove the notices? The Planning Department record when and where the notices are positioned.

Recently I spent a couple of hours cycling round half a dozen streets in Southfield Ward removing old notices. Covering a small area in ninety minutes I cut down 40 notices and the 80 plastic cables. 

Again, I am a Liberal Democrat Councillor who is making our streets cleaner and safer.

This is 'pavement politics' in its most basic form. Taking an interest and taking action in your own neighbourhood. The mission continues.

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