Ealing: the south Acton children's centre forced to close from extreme flooding

By Hannah Davenport

30th Sep 2021 | Local News

A children's nursery centre was forced to closed for a day and a half due to extreme flooding earlier this month.

South Acton Nursery School and Children's Centre closed its doors on 14 September when flooding occurred, caused by lack of adequate drainage in the building.

Two of the rooms in the building are still closed due to safety concerns and some of the building staff have relocated to another part of the centre, as their office was one of the main rooms impacted by the floods.

Mandy Roach, Head of the school said: "We had the engineers and electricians come in on the same day, so we were very lucky because it could have been much worse."

Safety checks have now been completed and the school hopes the building will be back in full working order within the next month.

Seibina Downes, a Lead Early Years Teacher at the school said: "Sadly, we had to close to the children and families for a day and a half.

"For many of our parents and families, both working and non-working this had an impact on them and their ability to carry out their daily activities, the children were disrupted and upset about not being in the nursery, and the Health Visitors that also work out of the centre were disrupted."

The Centre on Castle Close, South Acton, won the Nursery World's Team Development Award for the work they carried out in their Willow Room.

The school also uses a unique form of baby sign language called Makaton, used throughout the building to create an inclusive environment.

Seibina said: "Some children might not have English as a first language, or they may be too shy to say when they're thirsty, so we teach them Makaton."

Climate change in South Acton.

Rupa Huq, the Labour MP for Ealing Central and Acton, visited the school after the floods and commented on the impact of climate change getting closer to home.

Huq said: "When climate change was about forest fires in Australia it all seemed rather distant but when you get flash flooding in South Acton, the reality of extreme weather events is really brought close to home."

She added: "The staff at the South Acton Children's Centre are clearly dedicated to supporting the families they work with and it's great to see what they're doing in the community."

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