Acton planning applications: 10 property plans decided by Ealing Council

Acton Planning Applications
Below is a list of planning applications in Hanwell received or decided on by Ealing Council in November so far
124 Shakespeare Road Acton London W3 6SW
224803CPL | Single storey detached garden outbuilding to be use as office (Lawful Development Certificate for Proposed Development) | Validated: 14 November 2022. Status: Pending Consideration.
363 Horn Lane Acton London W3 0BX
216829CND | Details of Noise Impact Assessment pursuant to condition 5 of planning permission reference 212502FUL dated 20/09/2021 for "Conversion of a single dwelling into two self-contained residential units" | Decided: 18 November 2022. Status: Approved.
318B Uxbridge Road Acton London W3 9QP
222025FUL | Conversion of the existing roofspace into a studio flat; and rear roof extension | Decided: 17 November 2022. Status: Granted with Conditions.
48 Goldsmith Avenue Acton London W3 6HN
223701FUL | Deconversion of property from two flats to single family dwelling house; single storey rear/side extension with new raised patio (following demolition of existing single storey rear extension and addition); alteration of roof from hip to gable end; rear roof extension, removal of chimneys and installation of four roof lights to front roof slope | Decided: 17 November 2022. Status: Granted with Conditions.
41-49 Stirling Road Acton W3 8DJ
224830FUL | Demolition of existing building and construction of an industrial-led mixed used development comprising circa 951sqm commercial floorspace (Class E(g)) at ground and first floor and 49no. residential units (Class C3) on upper floors (up to 12 storeys) with associated landscaping, parking and servicing, cycle and refuse storage | Validated: 15 November 2022. Status: Pending Consideration.
38 Avenue Gardens Acton London W3 8HB
224380PTC | T1 Cherry Tree - Crown reduction by 2.5m and reshape | Decided: 17 November 2022. Status: No Objection.
The Perfume Factory Wales Farm Road Acton W3 6UG
224808OPDCND | Details of district heating network pursuant to planning permission ref: 181062OPDFUL dated 10/08/2021 for: Demolition of existing buildings to provide 3 buildings comprising residential units and flexible commercial floorspace, the provision of public open space, roof top amenity space, landscaping, car and cycle parking, and refuse storage | Decided: 18 November 2022. Status: Approved.
148 Lynton Road Acton London W3 9HH
223294FUL | Rear roof extension incorporating a Juliet balcony, and installation of four roof lights to front roof slope; part rear roof extension to rear outrigger roof slope; single storey side/rear (wraparound) extension (following removal of existing rear addition); part first floor side/rear extension; alteration to external elevation, involving installation of windows and patio doors | Decided: 18 November 2022. Status: Granted with Conditions.
Remaining Area Of Acton Gardens Master Plan (South Acton Estate) Acton W3 8TQ
223296CND | Submission of an External Lighting Report pursuant to condition 46 (Phase 8.2) of planning permission ref: 182579OUT dated 24.12.2018 for 'Hybrid planning application for the continued regeneration of the South Acton Estate encompassing an outline mixed use development comprising; up to 195,396sqm residential floorspace (Class C3) with any associated temporary show homes; up to 2,200sqm non-residential floorspace including 1,200sqm of community space (Class D1) and up to 1,000sqm of flexible commercial space (Class A1, A2, A3, B1, D1, D2); an energy centre up to 750sqm, access, open space and public realm. Detailed permission is sought for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of Phase 9.2 comprising 20,612sqm (of the total 195,396sqm) of residential floorspace (Class C3) [203 dwellings] and 123sqm (of the total 1,000sqm) flexible commercial floorspace (Class A1, A2, A3, B1, D1, D2) with associated refuse/recycling and bicycle storage; plant rooms; car parking; works to the public highway, public realm improvements, following the demolition of Buchan House, Anstey Court, properties on Osborne Road and tree removal. (Amended Documents)' | Decided: 16 November 2022. Status: Approved.
Land To The Rear Of 82-84 Twyford Avenue Acton London W3 9QF
222323NMA | Application for a Non-Material Amendment in (S96a) seeking to allow changes to the external elevations , in relation to planning permission reference 184352FUL dated 06/03/2019 for ' Construction of a part single, part two storey dwellinghouse with associated cycle parking and landscaping' | Decided: 18 November 2022. Status: Approved.
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